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Debat — Would you like to discuss covid policies and priority principles with Anders Tegnell, who famously ran Sweden’s unique approach? Come to Museion on 8 February 16:00.
Date & Time:
Medicinsk Museion
Bredgade 62, 1260 København
Hosted by:
Ezio Di Nucci
Sweden and Denmark took different approaches to lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic: what can we learn from each other’s experiences? We have invited Anders Tegnell, the former State Epidemiologist of Sweden, who was very influential in designing the unique Swedish approach, to talk about the considerations behind the Swedish model. Against this background, we want to discuss the ethics of pandemic restrictions: how should the benefits of slowing transmission be weighed against the effects of pandemic policies and widespread restrictions on the young, people with other conditions and the healthcare services? What have we learned for the next pandemic?
Our panel includes (Ezio Di Nucci will be chairing the discussion):
Anders Tegnell, former State Epidemiologist of Sweden
Stinus Lindgreen, Chairman of the Danish Epidemics Committee, 2021
Christine Stabell Benn, MD, Klinisk Institut, University of Southern Denmark
Theis Lange, Head of Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
The debate will take place at Medical Museion, co-hosted with MeST (Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies) and DSMFEM (Danish Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Medical Ethics),
Coffee and cake will be served from 15:30, and there will be the opportunity to visit Museion’s exhibitions afterwards.
Registration is free of charge.
Please contact organizer Anne Lykkeskov, nls778@sund.ku.dk (MeST) or Malthe Kouassi Bjerregaard, malthebj@sund.ku.dk (Museion) for any questions.