Københavns Universitet
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The Revolution Egypt Needs The Most: Education

Forelæsning — The Council for International Conflict Resolution (RIKO) and Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/Action Aid Denmark proudly present a lecture by Dr. Essam Heggy. Dr. Heggy, an Egyptian NASA-scientist and political activist, visits Copenhagen to talk about his work with political activism in Egypt.


Date & Time:

“Møderiet” at Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/Action Aid Denmark on Nørrebro at:
Fælledvej 12
2200 København N

Hosted by:
Merete Koefoed-Johnsen


RIKO and Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke/Action Aid Denmark proudly present a lecture by Dr. Essam Heggy: The Revolution Egypt Needs the Most: Education

Dr. Essam Heggy, planetary scientist (NASA) and former presidential advisor, has established a team of young, progressive Egyptian revolutionaries who are working on a presidential election campaign for a civilian candidate to compete against El-Sisi and his military regime for the elections in 2018. The focus of the political program of the team is education, health, poverty reduction alongside financial and legal reforms.
The lecture will take place on February 17, 2017 from 7-8.30 pm. There will be time for questions and debate during the second half of the lecture.
